15 November 2008

Bonita Street, on the list.

About a week ago I bought a really great shirt from the Bonita Street etsy shop. They were super nice and sent the shirt really fast, which is always a great bonus. They (Harmony and Tim) sent me a note thanking me for my purchase and they said they liked my work as well. They recently started a blog and decided to throw a little love my way by featuring my work! They are soooo sweet. What is it with all these great couples designing and building and making fantastic things together lately? The kids over at Something's Hiding In Here, and Secret Lovers, and Ashley G & Drew, and LoucheLab, and Kate & Clifton Bingaman-Burt...the list goes on and on. I love all the love that's out there in these often confusing times. I'm continually inspired by the amount of creativity that pours out of people.

Anyway, swing by the Bonita Street blog and check 'em out. I'm adding them to my list of favorite people.